Everyone always spends so much time trying to find ways to save money on auto insurance. Doesn’t that get old after a while? Don’t you long to be overcharged? To owe more than you could possibly pay? To watch your insurance premiums break the bank every month until they eventually cancel your policy altogether?
If this sounds like you, listen up. I’m going to teach you how to pay too much for your insurance.
Insurance companies really hate paying auto insurance claims. They hate it. Dealing with a claim is at the top of the top five things your auto insurance company doesn’t want to have to do, so the best way to make sure they charge you too much for your coverage is to rack up plenty of them. I strongly suggest speeding in bad weather, tailgating, cutting doughnuts in the parking lot and letting lots of friends drive your car. You can also try driving under the influence, but be careful-that can put you on the fast track for a cancellation, and you’ll never get a chance to enjoy the ridiculously high insurance rates you’ve been searching for.
Next, let’s talk about your car. Someone with way too much time on their hands came up with the bright idea that they should start tracking which makes and models of car were in accidents each year. They lumped their findings in with the Insurance Institute to create the Highway Loss Data Institute, where you can find out which kinds of cars, trucks and motorcycles are in accidents each year. Pick one that’s in plenty of them, and you’ll be able to watch your rates go flying up without having to lift a finger!
What’s your credit look like? If your credit score is 650 or higher you’re getting way too many discounts on your auto insurance. Stop paying your bills. Make ’em call in the collection agencies. You’ve got better things to do with your money than pay too much for your utilities anyway! When your credit gets down to about a three or four hundred you’ll watch your rates go flying.
Buy a no deductible policy. Yep, they’re out there, and you’re going to pay a small fortune for them. Auto insurance deductibles are the payments your insurer doesn’t have to make, because you make them for them every time you file a claim. When you’re filing so many claims you don’t want to keep coming up with those deductibles anyway, right?
Scoring high auto insurance rates isn’t hard, so why are you still paying next to nothing? Follow my advice, and your insurance policy will be canceled in no time.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_F._McDonough
Agnew Insurance Agency specializes on helping people realize the factors that drive their insurance premiums.
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